In order to fix your brand’s customer experience (CX) issues, you first need to find the problematic experiences
In life as in business, having a clear vision and tactical execution maps are essential for success. Otherwise, as Lewis Carroll cleverly put it in Alice In Wonderland: ‘If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.’
When it comes to the customer experience your brand delivers, a journey map — and the data behind it — help your team discover the issues preventing your customers from having a five-star experience. Only after discovering these issues can you fix them, then watch your customer loyalty and profits grow.
What’s a customer journey map?
According to the Harvard Business Review, a customer journey map is a visualization of all of the stages a customer goes through during their experience with your brand. It starts when they initially become aware of…
Modern e-commerce platforms offer a smoother user experience and cover the entire customer journey.
Enterprise e-commerce software has remained synonymous with age-old, unwieldy applications. It is easy to consider them a hindrance to both creativity and productivity. Thankfully, because of innovation in this space (especially headless commerce), things are changing for the better.
Enterprise e-commerce platforms have been moving in the right direction since 2018. While there are exceptions, modern e-commerce enterprise platforms are a lot more user-friendly and take care of all the essential features an e-commerce site should have.
The truth is, enterprises now realize and apply basic best e-commerce practices. They are now relatively intuitive and offer a smoother customer experience after testing their platform and analyzing user feedback.
The turning point for enterprise e-commerce platforms
Earlier, large organizations would focus on adding relevant information into the platform and getting it up and running.…
Heed this advice to avoid typical pitfalls
I think Danish physicist Niels Bohr said it best: “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” Having planned, analyzed and reported on over 700 user test sessions, and made lots of mistakes in the process, I certainly meet this definition.
But, by reading and heeding my advice here, you won’t have to repeat the same mistakes I made - and you’ll hop a few steps up the user test (UT) learning curve.
1. Write a rock-solid test script
Ever watched a movie that had lots of great actors in but turned out to be terrible? (I certainly have!) Then you know the importance of a well-written and edited script. That’s especially true for user tests and doubly true for unmoderated user tests, which comprise…
Your website should be designed keeping in mind your audience and should ensure that it improves user experience.
Your website is one of the most important aspects of your brand’s online presence and it's important that you design it right. Your website is also the place where you nurture your bottom-of-the-funnel leads to get conversions. So, you can’t afford any website fails that might cause your prospects to bounce off your website.
Your website should be designed keeping in mind your audience and should ensure that it provides good user experience. There are a lot of other benefits of a good website design for both your business and your audience.
In this post, we will discuss why good website design is important from your audience’s perspective.
Brand image
Your website is a reflection of your brand and everything that it stands for. It is usually one of the first things people…
Customers are more likely to return to a brand that provides good customer service, both before and after sales
Enhancing your customer experience can help you drive more growth for your business. Customers are more likely to return to a brand that provides good customer service, both before and after sales.
Happy customers are a key factor in increasing the revenue for your business. A recent Adobe report indicated that the greatest opportunity to grow any business lies in improving their customer experience. Here are some of the best ways that can help you do that:
1. Know your customers
It is very important for you to be familiar with your target audience. Understanding your customers can give you insights into how to develop a strategy that enhances their buying experiences.
Every customer is different and so are their needs and expectations. You need to understand the unique needs of your…
You have holes in your funnel to fill - here is how you can fix them
A lot of marketing attention these days is given to acquiring website traffic - organic, paid and social - and many companies and agencies have done a great job at this. But, since growing revenues and creating brand advocates are the main goals of most businesses, an equal amount of your attention should be focused on converting this traffic - convincing these visitors to take the conversion actions you want them to.
The metaphor I like best in this context is the leaky bucket. The bucket represents your sales funnel, and the holes represent visitors ‘leaking out’ before they should. The implication for your e-commerce business: you need to fill these holes, starting with the larger ones, as fast and as permanently as possible.
But how can you…
Should you create a separate site and which content do you need?
In our experience, you should think carefully before creating a new product launch or campaign site if you have already got a company website.
You may already have your own website that incorporates essential company information. In this case, you have the decision of whether to create a dedicated site or integrate it into your existing site.
[si_guide_block id="100244" title="Download Premium Resource – Product launch playbook" description="Launch a product using RACE planning to structure your marketing activities. A marketing playbook defines the key messages, types of communications, best practices and optimisation techniques that should be used to maximise return-on-investment for different marketing objectives."/]
In most cases, using an existing site will be most cost-effective and a well-designed existing site will have the flexibility to create the impact you need.
Advantages of using an existing site for your new product launch
86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience, so exactly how do you go about offering them one?
Did you know that customer experience (CX) is surpassing price and product as the major brand differentiator?
For many consumers, customer service and customer experience are seen as one in the same. However, customer service and experience differ just a bit. Service is a single touchpoint with a brand, while experience impacts all of the feelings and emotions associated with a brand.
[si_guide_block id="86160" title="Download our Free Resource – 10 common website customer experience mistakes" description="This guide reveals examples of poor website design from different sectors which are commonly seen, but best avoided."/]
86% of buyers are willing to pay more for better customer experience.
It was also recently found in a study by the Temkin Group that billion dollar a year companies who…
UX and site usability are two important Google ranking factors that help make content relevant.
To help users find answers to their questions in an easier and faster manner, Google promotes websites that offer an impressive user experience (UX).
UX and site usability are two important Google ranking factors that help make content relevant.
Backlinks have long been the number ranking factor but with the rise of artificial intelligence and Google’s RankBrain, a better UX is gaining ground and fast. It helps people to stay on your site longer and find what they are looking for.
[si_guide_block id="5686" title="Download our Individual Member Resource – Improving results from your website guide" description="This guide helps you to get the balance right, through explaining many inspiring examples of best practices from different sectors including B2B, retail e-commerce, travel and financial services."/]
Good UX decreases bounce rate while improving time on site and conversions. All…
It’s important to follow best practices when presenting your user tests findings to your stakeholders and colleagues. Here’s how to do this.
You’ve done all the logistical work — creating user profiles, recruiting representative users, running your test, and collecting reams of data. Now it’s time to share what you’ve learned.
But, unless you want to make peoples’ eyes gloss over, you’ll need to make sure your ‘insights’ report really resonates with your audience. Accomplish this by following these five guidelines and you’ll soon grow your influence in your organization.
1. Provide key background information
Before you present your findings, be sure to ‘set the stage’. Summarize things like:
What site/app/product was tested.
Why it was tested (your study goals).
Who participated in the test (the users).
How it was tested (the methodology).
Without this context, and especially the ‘why’ explanation, your audience may not pay attention to what you say next.
Only then, after you…