One of the best ways to keep people on your website longer and build up trust and conversions is through great content

Getting people to trust and ultimately buy from your business is a long process. It starts by getting people to visit your website, but traffic is not enough. You also need to give people a reason to stick around for longer so they can ultimately convert. One of the best ways to keep people on your website longer and build up trust and conversions is through great content. [si_guide_block id="85104" title="Download our Free Resource – Top 10 common content marketing mistakes" description="This guide gives recommendations for marketers responsible for managing and improving content marketing who want to develop a more strategic approach."/] In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to leverage content to keep people on your website longer.

Why it’s important to keep people on your website for…

Streaming has quickly become the primary source of video consumption within the US and around the world, so what do marketers need to bear in mind?

For most of us, the internet is already the primary source of the videos we watch. In the US, streaming is headed towards a saturation point. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and now Disney + are quickly picking up new subscribers as streaming quickly becomes the primary source of video consumption within the US and globally. Not to mention that YouTube is essentially ubiquitous around the world. This is important for marketers to take notice of. Not only because traditional TV advertising budgets will soon be replaced by their digital counterparts, but also to understand consumer behavior. Knowing how your customers consume video content helps in a few ways: Knowing what your target audience consumes and what platforms they use can help you develop a better digital video ad…

Find out what video marketing trends you need to be aware of for 2020 in order to better shape your digital marketing strategy and deliver results.

Social media, the rise of Stories and the way in which people consume media have all contributed to making video more important than ever before, meaning it pays to be aware of the video marketing trends for 2020. In fact, 83% of marketers believe that video is becoming increasingly important, which signals the start of more brands using them as part of their digital marketing strategies. It is estimated that people will spend more daily minutes watching video over the next few years than ever before, resulting in more advertisers investing in online video ads in order to drive engagement. While this is…

If you're receptive to feedback and create a product that your audience really wants, you’re guaranteed to develop something worthy of the "premium" label

Industry leaders like to lob around the term "premium" when describing content, but the definition of what is premium - and what isn’t - is highly subjective. To quote Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." For some people, "premium" denotes high-quality content. For some, it might refer to their most popular content and for others, it means something else entirely. Part of this confusion stems from the numerous business models that attempt to capitalize on differing versions of premium content. [si_guide_block id="23343" title="Download our Premium Resource – Video and YouTube marketing guide" description="Our guide shows you how to review the full opportunities from video marketing whether…

Right now, video content is slowly shifting to favor mobile devices by turning vertical

As of the third quarter of 2018, 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3% in the previous year. That 2.2% shows that mobile devices are, slowly but surely, taking over the website traffic share. The majority of websites are already responsive, which means they adjust to the device they’re displayed in. Right now, video content is slowly shifting to favor mobile devices by turning vertical.

The rise of social videos

Social media marketing is arguably the most effective method of raising awareness for any type of business. In 2019, it’s projected that there will be 2.77 billion people with social network accounts. Basically, you can find almost any type of customer or lead on social media. The largest social media platforms have seen that vertically-oriented content is not…

Chart of the day: Online advertising grew 11.5% like-for-like in the first half of 2017 in Europe.

€2.6 billion spend on advertising was added during the first half of the year, across search, display and classifieds/ directories. Research by IAB and IHS Markit shows marketers are increasing online advertising spending. The report focuses on advertising in Europe only. In this chart of the day blog post, I will update you on latest research by IAB Europe and IHS Markit, with charts from their Adex Benchmark from the first half of 2017. Search advertising is leading and display advertising has grown the fastest, interestingly online video is up 20%. As shown in the chart above, search advertising dominates online ad spend, but there is a huge jump in growth of over 13% for display advertising. …

Original content with ads is set to change the way Facebook advertising works

Thirty-six years ago, MTV broadcast its first music video. The Buggles debuted their song Video Killed the Radio Star (a homage to new technology usurping old).  Four years later the channel promoted another Eighties band, Dire Straits, who sang how in return for the channel selling advertising items like microwave ovens custom kitchens, refrigerators and colour TVs, music videos on MTV rewarded rock stars with “money for nothin' and chicks for free”. Whilst the Buggles’ prediction of video killing radio did not come to fruition, the rise of social media – especially Facebook did manage to decapitate the head of attention time teenagers and young adults allotted to skimming content.  (From three minutes – the average music video length - to under eight seconds of flicking through selfies, emoticons and snappy messages). Now Facebook, which has over 1.9bn monthly…
It isn’t news that people are exposed to more ideas than ever before. This is due to the fact that people are exposed to more media than ever before. It is through the media (newspapers, television, radio, the internet and more specifically the social media…) that ideas are spread, but sheer quantity makes it difficult to be seen and heard above all of the noise.

In this climate, what can you do to make your ideas stand out?

Two people who have attempted to answer this question are brothers Chip and Dan Heath. There came a point when the brothers realised that despite working in very different fields, they had both reached a stage where they were trying to answer the same question: ‘why do some ideas stick while others fail?’ This question became the title of…

A great video can change the world

A combination of the right stories, the right visuals and the right music can be powerful enough to bring the masses on board with a cause. This is a great tool for marketers who are using video every day to win their audiences over. However, video technology is now in the hands of the many, rather than the few, and the underdog has a fighting chance which can cause BIG damage to existing brands as the first example shows. The balance of power has shifted and the big brands need to be wary… their best weapon can quite easily become their biggest enemy.

Here are five great examples of videos that have been made to bring about some kind of social change – from simply highlighting an injustice, to big calls to action for a specific cause.

1. Abercrombie & Fitch Gets a Brand Readjustment #FitchTheHomeless
