Google are proactively asking business owners to keep their Knowledge Graph information up-to-date, by directly suggesting edits.
Importance: [rating=3] (Webmasters and "Official Representatives")
Recommended source: Successful SEO Guide
In an interesting move, Google have begun to ask people who they deem as "Official Representatives" of a topic, if they would like to request changes to the Knowledge Graph card.
It came to my attention yesterday when SEJ published a tip from a reader, that when signed into a Google Account associated with a Google My Business page, the below option appeared.

Clicking edit, will move you onto this screen...

Once the edits have been made, these are then passed onto Google for moderation and review. Once cleared, the edits will be updated to the Knowledge Graph.
How are you recognized as an official representative?
Google released a statement identifying the key requirements to become an official representative.
- The Knowledge Graph card includes the topic's official website, YouTube channel, or Google+ page.
- You're an owner of the online presence (the topic's official website, YouTube channel, or Google+ page) that appears in the card. In some cases, if you're an owner of a topic's online presence, you might also be an official representative for related topics, such as a parent company and its subsidiaries.
- You're signed in to Google with the account you use as the owner of the topic's online presence.
- Your Web & App Activity is turned on.