Comments on: Email Remarketing – why aren't more people using it? Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Tue, 19 Jul 2011 21:19:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Chaffey Sun, 12 Jun 2011 08:19:40 +0000 In reply to Jason Messingham.

Thanks Jason, that’s an obvious point which does explain the stats, but not one I’ve heard – you have to rearchitect your whole checkout to ensure email is collected with initial data. Of course this could affect conversion although I suspect not if implemented correctly – it’s alongside other personal details. Have to get the messaging right though and use implicit opt-in under the UK PECR.

Interesting link.

By: Jason Messingham Sun, 12 Jun 2011 05:27:30 +0000 I agree with the comments above and from my experience email remarketing is extremely successful and straightforward to implement in certain sectors. However one reason why the % uptake of re-marketing may be so low is obtaining the consent for the communication in the first place without lowering the original (first time) conversion rate! For example based on a new consumer visiting the website the consumer would need to provide their consent for email communication either pre or early during the checkout journey or conversion funnel. The arguement could be requesting consent at this stage lengthens the journey and acts as a greater barrier for the consumer to complete the transaction / conversion (more clicks to go through or more information to read (why I should sign up, privacy policy etc.) before the consumer actually picks up speed / trust / excitement? in the funnel.
Obviously a hefty A/B test would identify whether there is more value in email consent earlier in the form (taking into consideration the email remarketing) then at the end. I wonder whether the glowing stats of the email remarketing performance take into consideration the potential decrease in original conversions – if any. Additionally on that line of thought whether there’s any stats to show that consumers are more likely to provide consent at the start or the end of the transaction?

Great article as always and good comments, keep up the good work Dave.

By: James Mon, 23 May 2011 11:20:39 +0000 In reply to Dave Chaffey.

We’re currently working with a jewellery brand to do a number of clever things:

* Cart abandonment retargeting
* Post purchase upsell – a week after buying a product, they are sent an email with accessories relevant to their purchase and what we know about their profile
* Customers who haven’t purchased online are encouraged to register the product they own – email newsletters can then be personalised based on this, their profile (if known) or others like them.

In addition to products, we can suggest other relevant content such as blog posts and video tutorials, as well as inject relevant banners/graphics into emails.

By: Jaye Pause Sat, 21 May 2011 15:27:53 +0000 The single most important thing that I’ve learned by marketing online is this. In order to become successful, you must build your own list. Regardless of how “hard” or impossible to some it may seem, it’s the very first step in the right direction before anything else.

Your number one priority is to build your own list of subscribers. Your subscribers count on you to deliver relevant content that will educate them in whatever niche you are involved with, which is why they have chosen to subscribe to your list.

Building a lead capture page and an autoresponder system is only as hard as you choose to make it. If you feel you are stuck, you can always outsource the hard stuff and then concentrate on just promoting your lead capture page to build a sizeable list.

Without a doubt, email marketing in my honest opinion is one of the most effective ways to market your business online and allows you to connect with your subscribers on a much more personal level. It builds your brand and allows you to make a great income.

By: James Dadd Mon, 16 May 2011 09:38:46 +0000 In reply to Dave Chaffey.

Ideally you’d want an automated text parser that when it identifies a keyword string on the page that has been defined somewhere i.e. “Product XYZ” + associated marketing message it shows a ballon-type rollover that gives the user an on-screen, in-context, marketing message + a ‘learn more’ link.

Giving the user a concious chioice to make and hopefully ‘click’ would allow the business to have a data point that may suggest where the user is in their buying cycle, these sorts of tactics can bring a business toward behavioural measurement and determination of potential lead score and therefore allowing you to throw-up the right sort of messaging for them.

By: Dave Chaffey Fri, 13 May 2011 09:40:00 +0000 In reply to James Dadd.

I like your thinking James! There are also now plenty of plug and play tools for web personalisation: which gives you that contextualisation you mention. These tend to be applied on retail sites, but can potentially be used on all sorts of sites – exciting potential.

They’re also good for international marketing. I have a global project with a client at the moment. Much of the traffic for new product launches is on a centralised Blog-type site but without any links back to the product for users in local markets, so we’re working on developing a widget that refers back to the country site or local market suppliers.

By: James Dadd Fri, 13 May 2011 09:32:07 +0000 It is not just email re-marketing we should all think about but context-driven messaging.

The space on your website that you use for a banner advertisment for your own product or service, why should that stay static – make the space aware of what the potential customer has been looking at and doing on your website, measure their digital footprint.

Has the person been jumping back-and-forth between reassuring information, are they exhibiting behaviour which suggests they just need a little nidge, dangle the carrot, persuade them to get in touch or buy – make the space change and convince the user (discount, 2-4-1…)

By: Gian Fri, 13 May 2011 08:46:15 +0000 Thank you Dave for this great post,

I’m a digital marketer working for a Spanish regional airline and in my case the lack of technical knowledge is a big barrier for implementation.

For this reason I wonder if some IT expert could briefly explain the technology behind an e-mail remarketing solution for cart abandonment, especially if the payment step is done in a third party platform.

How does it work? with cookies and sessions?

Thank you


By: Dave Chaffey Fri, 13 May 2011 05:19:44 +0000 In reply to Lucas Gerler.

Interesting to hear your 3 reasons Lucas! And success rates. And your technology. In the UK we have similar tech from and which is growing in adoption. It seems it’s helpful maybe for IT/data integration reasons to have a separate solution on this.

By: Lucas Gerler Thu, 12 May 2011 23:03:17 +0000 Hello Dave,

Thank you for your very informative and timely article. The lack of companies who retarget through email is simply astonishing, and even more so when you look at some of the companies who don’t use email retargeting who by all means should. Our company, FetchForce, specializes in abandonment solutions. One of the main ways we recapture abandoners is through the use of retargeted emails to those who abandon web forms or checkout processes before completion. Our technology can monitor the forms in real time and capture data even when the user fails to push the submit button. Our clients recapture on average 11-26% of those who abandon after leaving an email.

The three biggest issues we run into when determining if we can work with a company are:
#1- I.T.! I.T.! I.T.! Did I say I.T.? It is amazing how hard it can be to get a four line javascript code pasted on a website.
#2- Comprehension: Most companies choose the path of tradition and fail to realize the importance and value in email retargeting. ( I wIll have to send them this article 🙂
#3- Reluctance to aggressively remarket: Some companies boggle my mind. They will drop cookies into a browser of someone who visits their website but will not email someone who abandons their web form after completing 90% of the fields because they don’t want to seem “pushy.”

We would be interested in seeing what you have in store for Part 2! Check us out at and feel free to contact me with any questions on our technology and capabilities.

Twitter @FetchForce
