Comments on: Online brand reputation or social media monitoring tool comparison review Digital Marketing > The Marketing Strategy Blog Wed, 09 Dec 2015 11:02:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: TheVirtualWatchmaN Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:34:00 +0000 You can also add, a tailored monitoring collaborative platform…

By: Neil Pursey Sat, 27 Jul 2013 19:05:00 +0000 Thanks for this collating this list. Go check out BrandsEye, a great brand monitoring tool developed in South Africa. It may be worth adding them to your database of software providers 🙂

By: Mash Marketing Fri, 31 May 2013 17:12:00 +0000 We have just signed up to Inkybee for blogger outreach campaigns and it is very easy to use, affordable and has a good campaign tracking system

By: Liz Hardy Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:08:00 +0000 Another paid tool to add into the social media monitoring
mix is Odimax.

We offer a customisable dashboard, great insights and
analytics, custom reporting, post scheduling, in-dashboard translation, and
crisis monitoring and management. Request a demo from our home page

By: Joel Windels™ Tue, 27 Nov 2012 18:23:00 +0000 Odd to see Brandwatch absent from this list, especially as one of its white label clients features on it!

If you would kindly amend the post, I’d be happy to help provide accurate details, should you need them.



By: Mark Tinger Mon, 27 Sep 2010 12:02:15 +0000 There are lots of good online reputation companies about. The key is value for money. I found ClydeStan most helpful in their approach and costing structure. They specialize mainly in celebrity reputation but I am sure they take on other clients, too. It seems they have connections behind the scenes where actual links and posts are being deleted and not only pushed down in search engines. I have used them twice now and the results are just fine. No problems, would recommend anytime.

By: gratis retshjælp Thu, 16 Sep 2010 17:10:03 +0000 Great post with the 36 Online Social Media/ ORM tools. We consider one of one to protect our our brand in Denmark. Do you know the best for the Danish market…?


By: Hella de Weger Mon, 02 Aug 2010 14:44:17 +0000 Interesting post and a very good comparison!
Clipit is a Dutch online and social media monitoring tool which is used by PR-agencies to analyze the success of PR-activities; by reputation managers to (like the job name says) manage the online reputation and effectively use webcare.
Next to the daily e-mail our clients receive (including all names, links, abstracts and sentiment analyses), we offer a personalized portal in which our customers can find their personal archives. Thereby they analyze all found messages and articles by using our technology “Media Analysis”. With this, they can – amongst other things – analyze the popularity of their brand(s) and those of their competitors. Next to that, they can analyze on which websites their brand (or those of competitors) have been published most.
Although we focus on Dutch sources, we also have the most important international websites in our database of sources.
If you would like to receive more information, please contact!

By: Nick Baggott Mon, 28 Jun 2010 14:29:10 +0000 Hi dave

Which do you use? What do you normally advise your clients to use? This is a minefield and there are so many alternatives? I am doing social media for NFP & public sector and would like to give them some help

By: Anne Collet Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:30:56 +0000 Hi,
Very interesting post and the segmentation criteria you’ve chosen makes sense. I have not been that indepth in a post I recently published on 5 Free reputation Management tools, but I think this post could help those who are looking for non-commercial solutions.
